Welcome to the Club
Western Gymkhana Club was established in 2012 in Point Cook. The Club is a community initiative to build a stronger, vibrant, healthier and integrated community in Western Suburbs of Melbourne.
Western Gymkhana Club is a Not-for-Profit club. It aims to bring regular social, recreational, cultural, community and wellbeing opportunities to its member families and local community.
The club offers its services by volunteer work by its dedicated members and other like minded people in the community.
Our Community
Western Gymkhana Club is community club with membership opportunity open to families who have chosen to make Melbourne's West their home. Apart from the regular programs for our club members, we bring many special events and reach out to wider community.
Our Members
We are a membership based club. We are grateful for our members who are part of our club community. Our club is successful because of their ongoing support. Our members come from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Our focus is in on building a vibrant and healthy club community. As a standard inclusion, we include the visiting or staying parents in the family membership.
Our Sponsors
- Pine Crest Real Estate, Point Cook
- Eagle Home Loans, Williams Landing
- Tim Watts, Local Federal MP
- Tax on Taurus, Point Cook
If you are a business and would like to support our Club as a sponsor, please message us from HERE.
Few reflections from our events
Few of the natural clicks of our lovely members. More can be found HERE
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to commonly asked questions here.
How do I join? Does membership include immediate family?keyboard_arrow_up
Please fill our form here. Please read our club's values & behavior statement on this website. We are governed by the Model Rules. Upon receipt of the application form it is circulated to the Executive Committee. After review by the executive committee and reference checks, the committee will decide whether your application will be accepted for membership or not. The decision is notified via email along with bank details for making payment for yearly membership fees. Membership to the club is for a family. WGC’s membership includes primary member, spouse, children and parents of primary member and spouse.
My responsibility as member?keyboard_arrow_up
The club has formal expected values and behaviour. Club members have to conduct themselves with integrity and help develop other club members. We expect members to attend the club opens regularly and volunteer in the Club activities as it is a not for profit community initiative.
What if I want to withdraw?keyboard_arrow_up
Please let us know and we'll quickly discuss the change in circumstances with you. The Membership fee is not refundable after 2 weeks of payment. In case of pressing situations, please talk to your friendly executive.
Can I invite friends?keyboard_arrow_up
Yes, you can invite a friend to the club's monthly and mega events. For club’s monthly and weekly events we limit five such invites each year for each family membership. For social events there are charges as decided for non-members before each event, please contact club executive member by email.
What all does the membership fee cover?keyboard_arrow_up
Membership fee covers admission to weekly and monthly activities. To cover the cost of the events there may be additional charges for major social events.
Can I use the club to promote my business/job/bring special offers for the members?keyboard_arrow_up
Club membership cannot be used to promote your business or promotion by way of any offers. Any overt or covert promotion of business can lead to warning, disciplinary action and expulsion.
Do you have any plans of rolling similar clubs in other areas of Melbourne or Victoria?keyboard_arrow_up
We are a volunteers based club. If you think WGC activities will help local community, we can look at the proposal and help you bring Western Gymkhana Club Inc. to your locality / suburb. We typically need few families interested to volunteer to give that initial push. It's a great way of connecting communities; creating a family fun space; break isolation and help many families needing social connect. Please let us know via contact us tab
Are club activities/finances/decisions open to questioning by members?keyboard_arrow_up
Club activities, finances and decisions are open to the club members. We work with complete transparency. Please show the intention to review the details to a club executive to arrange a meeting and details.
Would refreshments be served at every open?keyboard_arrow_up
Our Monthly events include light dinner for all. The 2 major events include food and entertainment at subsidised pricing for members.
Does WGC need volunteers? How do I volunteer?keyboard_arrow_up
WGC is a community club. Members are expected to volunteer to the club activities in whichever area you choose.
Is my personal information submitted in Membership Form safe?keyboard_arrow_up
Your personal information will not be shared with anyone other than the club executives. Your contact details will also not be shared with other club members or with any businesses outside the club. However we do have WhatsApp groups where you can opt to be a member.
How will I be informed of the clubs activities?keyboard_arrow_up
Members will be informed of the Club activities by way of updates in our members Whatsapp groups; our Members only FB group. We also use email and postal mail occasionally. If you are not a member yet, please like our FB page to stay updated.